Thursday 6 October 2011

AS Media Studies Animatic

This is our first draft of our animatic to our opening to our movie. These were several images drawn on post stick notes that were photographed into the computer and put together in Final Cut Pro.

Shot for Shot Analysis

1: The first shot is a close up shot of the main characters feet, slowly tilting up to meet the characters face. This builds up the mystery and tension as we don't see the protagonist straight away.

2: The next shot is a close up, over the shoulder shot of the protagonist. He is staring at a bathroom mirror, looking flushed and anxious. This lets us know that something isn't alright with our protagonist. Furthermore, the setting is fully established to take place in a bathroom.

3: The next shot is a medium side shot. The protagonist is washing his face over a sink. We can only assume he's doing this clean his face or to wake him up. Because of this, we think he's just going through his normal routine as nothing seems to be out of place. This scene was inspired by the opening scene of shutter island and Leonarado Di Caprio's character.

4: The next shot is a close up shot pointed directly a the protagonist's face. He is looking straight at the camera, looking surprised at what he see. At this moment, we don't know what he is looking at or what has surprised him, building up the tension.

 5: The next shot is a close up shot of the protagonist's reflection. The reflection however, isn't exactly the protagonist. While they look similar physically, the reflection is wearing darker clothing, his face more moody and unnerving. This gives us the first clue that the protagonist has a split personality.

 6: The next shot is a medium, shallow focus shot of the protagonist. While the protagonist continues to wash his face quickly after seeing his reflection, his girlfriend slowly walks into the room. The shot is done so that the protagonist is the only thing in focus.

 7: The next shot is a medium shot pointed directly at the protagonist. He is tightly gripping his hands.They are shaking uncontrollably, looking like its involuntary. It appears he is fighting with himself.

8: The next shot is a medium shot from behind the protagonist.

9: The final shot is a medium long shot of both the protagonist and his reflection. They both walk past each other, neither acknowledging the others existence. This scene was inspired by the scene in "Black Swan" when Natalie Portman's character walks past her 'Black Swan' persona.

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