Thursday 6 October 2011

Sources of inspiration for our thriller film

Sources of inspiration
Before we thought of the plot for our thriller film we decided to get inspiration from a specific scene in the film Shutter Island. We chose the scene in the film where the main character (played by Leonardo Dicaprio)  is on a boat going to a  island, he's in the bathroom area throwing water on his face because he is feeling sea sick and not himself.

                Therefore, we believe that this would be a good part to incorporate into our thriller film because it reinforces the fact that our main character has a spit personality that he's not aware of. The fact that he's splashing his face makes the audience believe that he's trying to reveal the true him, it makes them aware that he is struggling to overcome a psychological battle that he is individually unaware of.  Also, this part of the scene would connote that the main character is trying to reveal his true identity within but he has two sides to him that he just cant get rid of, its like two people within one body. Therefore this scene lets the audience into a secret about his identity that the characters within do not know, this is also foreshadowing what is yet to come in the plot making this party in the opening scene a key event to the film.

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