Tuesday 11 October 2011

Shot List

Detailed shot list of our film:

- The first shot it a close up tilt shot that pans upwards from the characters feet to face, this helps to establish the character.

- This shot pans from pans to an over the shoulder,  close up shot. This shot therefore establishes the character involved within the film, making the audience want to find out more.

- The third shot pans round towards the left of the character and zooms out from a close up shot to a medium shot as this gives the audience a view of the background and the scene around.

- Within this next shot a close up shot is formed of the main characters face therefore showing the audience his expression and emotion towards the scene.

- A tracking shot is used to see a close up shot of the main characters split personality in shot for.

- A medium  over the shoulder shot introduces other main characters into the perspective

-A high-angled shot is then used to focus on the characters actions from above, to show the tension building.

- Panning shot is used to turn the shot into a medium shot which shows the audience the setting around.

- A medium shot is then used to show the main character and his split personality double walking past each other .

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