Tuesday 4 October 2011


Plot - Our film has a usual structure relating to Todorov's theory, it starts with a equilibrium of our male character in his usual everyday life, just looking at himself in the mirror. We are introduced to him by a tilt shot which give the audience a slow introduction to the character himself meaning he is easy to relate to.
      This is then followed closely by the disruption of equilibrium as we are introduced to Jason's vicious side, this is where the audience can engage with the plot as they feel that they know his secret where as Jason doesn't know it himself.
        Next is recognition of equilibrium this is the part where his next of kin begin to realise he isn't what he appears to be, he has a split personality.  His wife Sarah starts to get letters from mysterious people and begins to feel agitated when going out on her own, she realises that she is in danger.
         Attempt to repair equilibrium, in this this scene Jason and his wife go on a mission to find the person harassing their family. However Jason starts to discover that theres a different side within him and he cant control, he cant protect his others like he should and needs to find closure by convincing himself and everyone else that its not him. Although his wife already can tell that he's got a split personality she goes along with his plans to try and discover his illness.
          Finally in the resolution, Jason finally comes to terms with the fact that he is not the same person within as he is on the outside, he goes  through an emotional battle to discover hi true personality and comes the decision that his wife is better off without him and sections himself.


Characters - Main character is Jason Bradley, he is a stereotypical male character that seems physically protective of his close family, he is a dominant man that wants to be seen as a typical hero towards the people he knows. There we have cased him as a mans man that seems quite tough on the outside, tattoos and facial hair will reinforce this image to the audience so that they get a instant image of how the character is going to be portrayed throughout the film.

The other main character throughout the film is Sarah Bradley, Jason's wife. She is a typical female character that is portrayed as a damsel in distress throughout the film as she is scared and needing help from her loved one when she discovers that she is being stalked. She is going to be wearing feminine clothing and will be represented as a girly girl throughout.

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