Tuesday 11 October 2011

Frame By Frame Analysis: Red Eye Opening Daniel Wilson

1: The very first shot of the movie is the title 'Red Eye' imposed over a black screen. The text is red not only because the title is 'RED eye', but because its connotes danger and suspense, as well as the fact blood is red and is in thrillers.

2: The next shot is a close up shot of an unknown mans hand. The hand is gloved and swiftly takes a wallet that was just recently placed on the table. At the moment, we currently don't know who this man is, but because his hand is gloved, we know that he definitely not someone who lives in the house. Because of this, it immediately builds up the suspense as we want to know who's wallet this is and who the man who stole it is.

 3: The next shot is a long shot of two men loading a box onto a truck. Although the box is thought to have seafood inside, because the shot is dimly lit and is at night, we assume that something sinister is going on. The camera tracks the men for the entire shot, watching their actions the entire way through.

 4: The next shot is a close up shot of a man who is taking the wallet from earlier out of an envelope. We still cant see who this man is, further building the suspense on who is the man and why he needs this particular wallet.

5: The next shot is a extreme close shot panning left to right of photos of someones house. This is were we start to piece together that someone is trying to gather information on someone. We assume that the house belongs to the owner of the wallet and the man who stole it is the one who is getting the information.

6: The final shot is a medium shot of another two men unloading the box from earlier out of the truck. Our suspicions about the contents of it are somewhat confirmed as when the crate is opened, they break away the ice to reveal a locked box. We don't know whats in this box either, which continues the suspense, setting up for the latter part of the movie.

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