Thursday 6 October 2011

Target Audience continued

We decided to look into what the BBFC classes to make sure that our film is aimed at the correct target audience and has a rating to make sure that our film fits the criteria of the media studies task. (

'U' - This film should be suitable for children aged 4 years and over and is set within a positive moral framework that should offer reassuring violence and threats as it should not be physically violent or scary towards the audience. This rating is not suitable for our film because no discriminatory language or behaviour can be used throughout where as our film could contain some form of strong language and mild violence. 

'PG' - This rating can be viewed by any children unaccompanied by an adult, it should not disturb any child usually over the age of 8 years old an over. However, parents should give consent and are advised to look at the type of film before their child watched it. This rating is not suitable for our film because it contains frightening and intense sequences and strong language which is not suitable for this category as only mild language and minimal disturbing behaviour should be contained throughout.

 '12/12A' - This rating is only suitable for audiences of age 12 years and over. In a 12A rating no one younger than the age of can view a film with this rating unless accompanied by an adult. A 12 category only exists for video work a  no one younger than the age of 12 may rent a video with this rating. This rating was unacceptable to use for our film because only moderate language can be used throughout and only moderate violence is allowed and cannot be put into detail and have to be discreetly indicated. Therefore this rating is not suitable for our film as it will contain strong language and psychological violence which may affect an audience of 12 years or younger. 

'15' - This rating is only suitable for audiences of the age 15 years and over. We believe that this rating is acceptable for our film because strong threats and menace are allowed within and dangerous behaviour can also be permitted. Strong language can also be acceptable in this rating as long as its within context which our film contains, therefore we believe that this classification is applicable to use. 

'18' - This classification can only be viewed by audiences of the age of 18 years and over. In this rating audiences can be seen material that is in breach of the criminal law and individuals at risk of harm. Therefore we did not choose this classification because it has a strong pact of violence and language that out film does not contain, also it shows more of a horrific sense to the plot and would not be suitable for our thriller film because of this. However, audiences of the age of 18 years and over can still watch our film and enjoy it without the brutal violence of this rating. 

'R18' - This rating can only be seen in licensed cinemas and to adults over the age of 18 years or over because of sexual behaviour involving the individuals taking part in the film. Therefore this rating is not suitable for our film as it does not contain strong sexual activity. 

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